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Mech Examples

Auxiliary Systems | Frames | Limbs (Lower) | Limbs (Upper) | Power Cores | Upgrades | Weapons

Idaran Mechs

The Idari, the massive generational ship that a significant portion of the kasathan population consider home, also has some of the most distinctive mech technology in the Pact Worlds. Designed by and for multi-dexterous kasatha, these mechs are easily distinguished by their multiple sets of arms. While some non-kasasthas learn to operate these mechs using cortex interfaces to control and coordinate the additional limbs, their true capabilities shine best under the control of kasatha pilots, for whom controlling an additional set of arms comes as naturally as breathing.
The most common mechs present on the Idari are offensive skirmishing units designed for versatile patrol, protection of key locations, and advanced security. Officially designated as IAUs, or Idaran Assault Units, the mechs are colloquially referred to as “tangler.”
Less recognizable—but certainly more feared by those familiar with them—than IAUs, IBUs, or Idaran Breaching Units, are designed to tear holes through the hulls of enemy spacecraft. IBUs have multiple saws, claws, and other tools integrated into their secondary limbs. Kasathan engineers refer to these mechs by a nickname that reflects their intended use: “breachers.”

IAU “tangler” - Tier 2

Source Tech Revolution pg. 122
Huge skyspy
Operators 1–2; PP 1 (2/turn, max 6)
Speed 30 ft., fly 80 ft. (average);
Senses blindsense (vibration) 30 ft., darkvision 120 ft., low-light vision


HP 24; SP 9; Hardness 1
EAC 21; KAC 20
Fort +3; Ref +7
Immunities construct immunities


Melee buzzblade (upper limb—1d8+4 S; bleed 1d4)
or shears (upper limb—1d6+4 S; critical wound)
Ranged sonic shotgun (frame—1d8+2 So; critical knockdown)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Strength +2


Power Core mk 1 dynamo; Lower Limbs agile biped; Upper Limbs precision arms (+2 melee, +1 ranged); Auxiliary ammo reserve, entry hatch, haste circuit; Upgrades enhanced shields, fleet, rapid reflexes

IBU “breacher” - Tier 12

Source Tech Revolution pg. 122
Colossal juggernaut
Operators 2–6; PP 7 (2/turn, max 15)
Speed 50 ft.;
Senses blindsense (vibration) 30 ft., darkvision 120 ft., low-light vision


HP 146; SP 27; Hardness 8
EAC 31; KAC 33
Fort +13; Ref +12
Immunities construct immunities


Melee hammerfist (upper limb—10d4+21 B)
Ranged rocket launcher (frame—7d10+12 F&P explode [10 ft.])
Space 30 ft.; Reach 30 ft.
Strength +9


Power Core mk 3 eternal; Lower Limbs heavy biped; Upper Limbs powerful arms (+1 melee, +0 ranged); Auxiliary autotarget, plasma-shock circuits, plow plating, weapon core (electricity, sonic); Upgrades superior computer